The Summer Solstice Run of 2021
It's our first real membership event since the COVID-19 pandemic began! We're celebrating the official start of Summer with our annual solstice run (a day after the solstice to account for Father's Day). Friends, partners, and kids are welcome to join for the run or picnicking afterwards!
Meet at Golden Gardens parking lot at 6:50 p.m.: 8498 Seaview Pl NW, Seattle, WA 98117
We will head out by 7:00 pm for a social 5-10 mile run along the water, across the locks, through the scenic views of Discovery park. There will be multiple pace groups and options to cut the run short. Runners will return to Golden Gardens by 8:30 pm for food and beverages hosted by CNW.
Often people jump in the water, so towels and warm clothes are encouraged so you can enjoy the sunset.
If you can't make the run, please still join us for the food and social time! Side dishes to share are appreciated. Individually packaged food items are even better!
On a nice night (which we're hoping to have) parking will be tricky so please allow some extra time.
Additional COVID-19 information: we will have hand sanitizer and wipes available, but please bring a mask to wear when you are not running or actively eating or drinking. There's plenty of room to social distance and the entire event will be outdoors. We are making an effort to ensure that food is easily shareable in a way that reduces the handling of shared cutlery.